When you need a roof repair, it can be easy to focus on the need for the repair as opposed to thinking about how to get ready for the repairs. At Aztec Roofs, we understand that roof repairs can be stressful, and we want to do everything we can to help make this process simpler and easier on our customers. If you have a roof repair coming up, we have complied a few tips that will help to make this more efficient so that you can get back to focusing on other aspects of your life. Here are a few suggestions that will make roof repairs get done faster.
First, take a few moments to clean up the exterior. You certainly don’t need a freshly mowed lawn and immaculate flower beds, but removing any yard toys or tools that might be out can be immensely helpful. If you are able to move items so that there is easy access to exterior outlets, this is also a great idea.
Second, please let us know ahead of time where we can park. Parking can be limited in many areas and can impact the time it takes for us to complete your roof repairs. If you need to have our parking cleared by your HOA, it’s generally better to get that clearance before we arrive.
Finally, keep your children and pets safe. While we love the family environment, we want everyone, including our roofers, to stay safe. Keeping your pets and/or children indoors while we are working on your roof can ensure that we don’t accidentally let them out of the yard or have them wander into a dangerous situation.
If you have roof repairs in your future, we want to help. For more information or tips on how to best prepare for our services, please contact us today.